EFC Friends
Friends' Reception at Budleigh Music Festival

Friends of Exeter Festival Chorus

Our Friends are important to us and we value the contribution they make through their annual subscriptions.
Membership (minimum annual donation) rates:
Individual Friend – £30
Joint Friends – £48
Membership is from September to August each year: if you join after 1st January, the first year membership is £20 (£32), and after 1st April £10 (£16).

Benefits enjoyed by Friends include

  • Reserved seating area for each Friend +1
  • Special Friends' Reception area at some concerts with EFC ‘greeters'
  • Invitation to drinks receptions for some EFC concerts
  • Free refreshments at interval of some concerts
  • Regular newsletter
  • Acknowledgement in concert programme and on website
  • A free concert programme – collect at the concert
  • Opportunity to join social and fund-raising events with members of the Chorus

Our Friends are drawn from former singers, friends and family of current choir members and those who regularly attend our concerts, and are a vital part of our musical community. Their support helps us to perform in the best music venues with leading soloists and orchestras.
To join the EFC Friends, please download the form here, and send to the Secretary to the Friends of the Exeter Festival Chorus, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Current Friends and Honorary Friends

Guy Bradley-Smith Robert Jones
James Butler Dr Mark Lewis
Madeleine Collie and Paul Abbott Kath and Alastair Logan
Jeff and Sue Collman Alan and Bertha Madden
David Cook and Caroline Fewkes Jill and Heath Nickels
Mary Ellis Sue Odell
Anthony Fyson Val and Trevor Reynolds
Judge Francis Gilbert KC and Sarah Gilbert Jean Usher
Nigel Hewitt Sarah White and Charlie Lane


Individual and corporate Patrons of the Exeter Festival Chorus have a long-term relationship with the choir, at the same time providing invaluable funds to support the high standards of our music-making activities.
Patrons pay an annual subscription of at least £150, and receive the same benefits described in our Friends scheme, plus a complimentary ticket to one concert (organised by EFC) each season, or two tickets for donations above £300.
You may set up a Patron membership at any time through the Secretary to the Friends of the Exeter Festival Chorus, email friendsandpatrons@ exeterfestivalchorus.org.uk

There are various ways for Patrons to engage with the life of the choir, and for the choir to offer various benefits in return, such as bespoke concerts at your events or venues. We are happy to discuss these opportunities with you. Please contact our Artistic Planning lead at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Current Patrons and Honorary Patrons

His Worship the Lord Mayor of Exeter
The Bryan Foster Charitable Trust
Rosalind Beetham
Roger Cockrell
Sue Connolly
John and Kath Singleton